The completely UNAUTHORIZED Happy Birthday Giveaway! | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Saturday, July 25, 2015

The completely UNAUTHORIZED Happy Birthday Giveaway!

How many times does a girl turn 49?  Hopefully only this once! This is it!  I am entering my last year before I turn the BIG 50!

So, since I have absolutely NO CLUE as to what is expected at this ripe old age, I decided to have a GIVEAWAY!  That is unexpected and really quite lovely for me ( I LOVE sharing great stuff) and hopefully for you too!

To make this a fun and unique opportunity, a brand NEW Aurifil collection has been created.  This is a completely UNAUTHORIZED collection of my own making from the bins in my sewing room.  I looked through all the colors and weights and decided that this collection would contain the best of all worlds!  A combination of weights ( included are 50wt, 40wt 28wt and 12wt), colors and even some  FABULOUS variegated!  This way you can try so much in one GORGEOUS thread box.  The bottom row alone is giving me chills!

Say "HELLO GORGEOUS!" to the My Go-Go Life Aurifil ( did I mention it is completely unauthorized) collection!

Look at this!!!! Makes me SO HAPPY!!!!

And as if that were not enough...I will be adding in a small spool collection of Frances Newcomb's Treasure Chest and three mini charm packs!

The grand finale, is an Aurifil color card with ALL 270 lush colors so you will be able to match up the perfect threads to every project!

That is a whole lot of AMAZING stuff you can win!!!!

I will be using Rafflecopter for the giveaway to give you a few options to make it easier for you to enter and for me to be able to contact the random winner!  This giveaway is open internationally since I LOVE all of my awesome international friends :o) I would love it if you could share it with all of your friends too ;)  Repost, retweet, relove :o) Happy Birthday to me and I am sending GOOD LUCK wishes to you!!!!



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Renee said...

Happy Birthday Kim! "May you always have work for your hands to do. May your pockets hold always a coin or two. May the sun shine bright on your windowpane. May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you. And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you." -Irish blessing

Bunny Wilson said...

Happy Happy Birthday!

sherryberrybim said...

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Kim, happy birthday to you!!

Cher in Victoria said...

Happy birthday,life does get better in the 50,s.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Happy birthday! I hope you have a lovely day and a wonderful year ahead. :)

Kathy Davis said...

Happy Birthday to you. Thanks for gifting us on your birthday.

Lisa Clark said...

Happy Birthday Kim!!!!

witje said...

Happy birthday

Denise said...

Have a great and happy birthday!!!! Just in case

Karie said...

I seriously NEED this box! I need to find where to get 28 and 40 weight larger spools..... Everyone seems to only carry 50 weight.... I love the heavier weights for quilting

Cherry Blossom said...

Happy birthday!!!

Cheryl said...

Happy Birthday, Kim! Thank you for giving to us on your birthday! May all your wishes come true!

Mindy Sebastian said...

Christmas in July is seriously the best day to be born. Happy birthday to you and me!

sew.darn.quilt said...

Happiest of Birthday wishes to you ") Your collection is lovely indeed!

Splinters and Threads said...

Happy Bday!! Hope you have an awesome day!

TammyLB said...

Happy Birthday, Kim!!! (Is yours on the 25th??Mine is today, also!!)
This is a gorgeous collection of yummy colors!!

Julie said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you have a special day planned. Thanks for the chance to win.

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Happy Birthday! It's just a number! 49 is the new 29!

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday Kim! I'm a July girl too!

Anita said...

Happy birthday! I hope that have a great day and thank you for sharing with your readers, so generous.

Toohey said...

Happy, happy birthday! I've been following you since I saw your cathedral windows tutorial years ago. Love your stuff! FYI: every decade gets better and better. I turned 55 this year! I think my teenagers keep me young (and sometimes frustrated!!) Enjoy your day and the last of the 40's. It's a good thing!

GO STARS! said...

Happy Happy Birthday!! As one about to celebrate a double nickel birthday, I can say that life gets better with a little mileage on it. You learn what's important and appreciate it a little more.

Elizabeth said...

Happy Birthday!

Mary O. said...

Happy Birthday, Kim!

Reader Owl said...

The happiest of birthdays! Such fun for your followers :)

Arita said...

Happy Birthday and have a great day. I woyld love that aurifil thread card.

Mama Spark said...

Happy Birthday! You don't look a day over 30!

Unknown said...

Wishing you a delightful birthday!

cynthia said...

And many happy returns!

Nannie B said...

Happy Birthday, Kim! How generous of you to give this wonderful gift celebrating your birthday.

Lisa Lisa said...

Happy birthday, Kim! ♡ I hope you have a fantastic year of celebration!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! I am 6 months younger than you, it's going to be the best year yet!! -Elizabeth

Michele said...

Happy Birthday!! 49 is not so bad!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!!

Janice said...

Hope you have the best birthday ever!

dago said...

Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day with cake, presents and all your lovelies! Thank you so much for this chance to win!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday, hope you have a wonderful day.

Katrom said...

Happy Birthday Kim. Enjoy 49, but don't worry, the 50's are great too!

Unknown said...

Yay! Happy Birthday!! :-) Thank you for hosting this great giveaway - your blog is a joy to read :-)

Patricia said...

Wishing you a Happy Birthday with many more to look forward to. Thank you for the opportunity to enter your give-away! Perhaps I might win…keeping my fingers crossed.

pupton said...

Happy birthday! Hope it is happy!

Bree said...

Happy birthday, Kim! I hope you have a wonderful day!

oldethymequilter said...

A very happy birthday to you! Such a fun, colorful selection of threads you have put together.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Happy, happy birthday Kim!!

B Greene said...

Happiest birthday wishes to you!

Unknown said...

Wishing you a wonderful birthday full of fun and fulfilled dreams!

tara said...

Happy Birthday and many happy returns!

Unknown said...

Wishing you a fabulous birthday! Enjoy your day - do something fun for yourself:)

Michelle Myers said...

Happy Birthday! Hope your day is extra special! 🎂🎉

Nonna D said...

Happy birthday! I'm a July birthday too!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday! And by the way, Aurifil thread is the best!!!

Resa said...

Birthdays are the best. We celebrate a whole week around birthdays. Favorite foods, special desserts, dinner at your favorite restaurant, and lots of special surprises....'cause birthdays are special and all about YOU! Have a wonderful Happy Birthday!

ewecan said...

Happy birthday, Kim. All the best today and all year!

Miss Alissa said...

Happy Birthday! Have a fabulous year!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Kim.

Heather said...

Happy birthday! My husband was so thrilled when he turned 50. Although you have one more year, think of what an accomplishment it is to get this far in life. Amazing!!!

JANET said...

Happy Birthday, and hope all goes well!! Enjoy your last year of 40's! But remember, the best is yet to come!

Kate said...

Happy birthday!

Quilting Tangent said...

Happy 49th Birthday! Wonderful choices of threads.

Terri C said...

Happy happy Birthday! What a great gift you created. Your coming into the best part of life, enjoy!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday !!! I hope you have a wonderful day today and many more!!

Michele T said...

Happy Birthday Kim!!! Enjoy your special day!! Thanks for celebrating with this awesome giveaway!!!

Paige said...

Happy Birthday Kim! I hope your special day is filled with happiness, joy and love. I will be 53 on Friday the 31st and let me tell you I am having the best time of my life! Here's to the next milestone you will cross!!!

Karen said...

Happy birthday, such an awesome giveaway

KoolKat said...

Happy Birthday and thank you for the opportunity to win these wonderful quilting supplies.

Joyce Carter said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KIM! I hope your day is filled with lots of joy and presents.

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday Kim!!

Gwen Wehner said...

Happy Birthday! Fyi - I just celebrated the 5th anniversary of my 49th birthday!

missy said...

Happy Birthday from Oregon! Welcome to the next 50 years! Enjoy! AND, THANK YOU for the fun!

Judy H said...

you are entering the best years!

Kathy said...

Happy Happy Birthday Kim! Wishing you a fabulous day!! Thank you for the chance to win such a fantastic gift from you! :)

Leslie at the Sugarhouse said...

Happy Birthday Kim,
Enjoy your last year of being fourty-something! Although who's gonna say something if you remain 49 for a few more birthdays?
Thanks for a spectacular giveaway. Love,love, love the Aurifil colors you selected!

Laura said...

Happy birthday to you! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Nettie said...

Happiest birthday celebration to you!
Thanks for the "awesome" giveaway too....I adore Aurifil thread.

Anita said...

Happy Birthday! I'm not too far behind you. :) Hope your day is wonderful!

Sorcha girl said...

Happy, happy birthday to you! May the best be ahead of you this year! Thanks for a chance in your unique giveaway--what a great idea! Your choice of colors is awesome!

Teresa S. said...

Happy Birthday! I hope your day is filled with love and laughter!

Carlie said...

Happy Birthday! And thanks for the chance to win the great thread selection.

Briawna said...

Happy birthday!! What a fabulous collection.

Joan said...

Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day! Thank you for the generous giveaway.

Lynne said...

Fresh, happy colors - what a delight for creating!

fenna said...

happy birthday :)

Unknown said...

Glad to help you celebrate your last birthday before the golden 50th birthday so you will ready to quilt on for another 50. Thanks for celebrating with us by giving us the gifts. Diane I (mdjssi(at)gmail(dot)com

Sharon said...

A very happy birthday to you !

Unknown said...

Happy birthday!!! Thank you for allowing us to visit and win fabulous quilty things ;)

Crystal Smith said...

Have a great day and sew something special for yourself.

Pamela Neal said...

Happy Birthday Kim! Hope you have a blessed day 😉

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Have a wonder birthday! said...

Happy birthday, enjoy being 49 but look forward to 50.

Sharon Tucker said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for the wonderful Giveaway!!!

Sherrie said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Kim dear! Fun things will come to you all year! If I had one wish, then it would be, Happy Happy Birthday to you from me! Thanks for such a generous giveaway. Fun, Fun, Fun!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! what a generous and beautiful give away on your special day. Thank you!

@lutzcats said...

Forty-Nine FOREVER!!!!!!! So glad to have found your blog - super fun and makes my eyes SMILE!

Anonymous said...

the rafflecopter does not seem to be working for anything except posting a comment.. : (

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

happy Birthday Kim!!!! always a plesure said...

Happy Birthday I hope it is filled with, family, friends, love, and most of all fun sewing! Lovely thread collection!!

Betsy said...

Happy Birthday! The best is yet to come!

Maxine said...

Happy Birthday! I am also celebrating my last year in the 40's. Your unauthorized collection is AWESOME! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for this gift to others for your birthday!
Happy Birthday and may you have many more.

Philippa Gelinas said...

Happy birthday! I love how you celebrate!

Pam said...

Happy Birthday! Thank you for a chance at the giveaway!

DebraKay Neiman said...

Have a wonderful Birthday - Young'un. I am headed to 70 myself. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Happy happy birthday.

Barbara Mead said...

Happy Birthday Gorgeous. What a wonderful collection. Very nice.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Happy happy birthday.

Kastewart said...

Happy Birthday!

NickyW said...

What a lovely way to celebrate! t'was my 50th last birthday you're still a youngster.... happy birthday with plenty of cake! :)

KrissBJoyful said...

49 Happy happy joy joy birthday wishes to you!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Kim! Have a great one!

Vanessa said...

Happy Birthday, Hope you are having a great day!!! Thank for the chance for a gift on your b-day :-)

jan said...

Happy Birthday Kim! I LOVE your totally unauthorized birthday bash celebration giveaway! whew! I hope you have a fabulous day! xo jan

Diane P said...

Happy Birthday

mammas pearls said...

Happy Birthday! I love this guveaway!

Debbie said...

Happy Birthday, go all out, 49 only comes around once!!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday - thanks for sharing your birthday with us.

Trish said...

Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a lovely day and your back feels better!

✄ Erin @ Sew at Home Mummy ✄ said...

A very happy birthday! What an awesome idea!

Machelle said...

What fun! Happy Birthday! Great thread colors and what a lovely generous idea!

Kim Turner said...

Happy Birthday and thank you for the chance.

Nanbon44 said...

Hope you have a fantastic birthday and all your wishes come true... As for what comes after 50... birthdays become just a number as you are as awesome at 50 as you were at 25 just a little bit wiser..

Heather Heidlage said...

Happy birthday. Thanks for giving us a present on your birthday!

Tiff K said...

Have a wonderful happy birthday!!!

Gigi said...

Happy Birthday and many good wishes to you.

Chris Dodsley @made by ChrissieD said...

Happy happy birthday, turning 49 or even 50 is great!!! What an incredible giveaway, had no choice but to enter - Chris :D

The Wild Gardener said...

Wow, this is awesome! Would love to BUY this set of goodies. Happy b'day to you---many blessings for a great year!

Susan said...

Happy Birthday!

StanleyBeagle said...

happy birthday to you!

ELNM said...

Happy Birthday!!! Hope 49 is all you want it to be. But don't fear 50 - a friend told me that when she turned 50 she decided it was okay to say "no". Very freeing! Many thanks for sharing all of these lovelies with us!

Hilachas said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win your beautiful and generous giveaway.

Lesley said...

Happy birthday

Material Girl said...

Happy,happy birthday. I hope you get at treaT as nice as the one you are giving away!

Diane said...

Happy Birthday! Great giveaway!

mumbird3 said...

Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day!

Vickie said...

Happy Birthday!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday. I love birthdays!

Gill said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Nancy said...

Happy Birthday!

syfalkenstein said...

Happy Happy Birthday! You're in the prime of your life!

Katy M said...

Happy Birthday! Though you should be recieving gifts not giving them away! x

pinkkangaroo said...

Happy Birthday! And many more. Thanks for sharing the LOVE.

Jeanmarie said...

Happy birthday and thanks for the giveaway!!

Janie said...

Happy Birthday. Thank you for the amazing giveaway!

Gene Black said...

Happy Birthday to you-again :-) I hope it is a wonderful day followed by an even more wonderful year.

Judith said...

Happy Birthday, Kim. As for this being the only time that you'll turn 49, I have a good friend who has just celebrated the sixth anniversary of her 49th birthday. She's just not ready to turn 50 yet ;-)

Figgy90 said...

Happy Birthday!! Remember 50 is the new 30 so it should make you younger soon.

barbara woods said...

Happy birthday and may you have many more

chele said...

Happy 49th. May your 49th birthday be as awesome as Aurifil.

pajtr said...

Enjoy your Special Day, Kim!!... And *thank you* for letting us in on your celebrations!
**Happy Birthday!!!**
Best wishes, Kim, for a Birthday... and coming years!... filled with family and friends, laughter and love!!!!

TheSewingLoft said...

Wishing you an awesome birthday week! Super fun collection.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday-May the thread be with you!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Kim!!

Pedal Sew Lightly said...

Happy Birthday!!! Thanks for the great giveaway!

dragnflylee said...

This giveaway reminds me of when I used to give presents to my friends for my birthday. Happy Birthday!

Chiska said...

What a lovely way to celebrate! Happy Birthday! Your box is making me happy today too! What a fun thing to do. I hope your day is filled with thread, fabric, yummy food, fun people and anything else that delights you!

MaryBeth said...

Hope you're having a wonderful birthday!!

Loganstitches said...

Happy Birthday! I like to celebrate hobbit style too, it reminds me how lucky I am to have spent another year with my favorite people. Have a great year with your favorite people.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! Wish you had a birthday every week

Tiffany said...

Happy Birthday!

scottylover said...

Happy birthday from one July birthday girl to another! Mine is at the beginning of the month and I have been celebrating all month long. Hope you get to celebrate a long time, too!

Sandy A

Mother Dragon said...

Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday!!!

susan said...

Have a go go birthday, hope you get time to sew

Ella said...

Happy happy birthday to a fellow Leo!

Anonymous said...

Happy 49th Birthday! I just hit that milestone last week myself.

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Happy BIrthday to you - July is a lovely month to celebrate!!!

MaryMargaret said...

Happy 49th, Kim, and may you have many many more!

Tracey said...

Happy birthday Kim - hope you have an amazing birthday, and a month of festivities :)

Sharon zisos said...

Happy birthday and thanks for the great giveaway!

Allison C said...

Happy birthday!!!! You picked out a great "unautorized" selection of thread colors. Maybe it will turn into an authorized collection soon...

Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday hope it is wonderful!

wildprairie said...

Wow, what a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday. I hope you had a wonderful day.

Sally said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a blessed day and year!

greeneggs said...

Well happy birthday to ya. Just so happens to be my birthday to, so extra special wishes to us both 😃

Linda Lee said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!!! Turns 50 isn't bad...It is only a number! Thank you for the chance to receive the awesome thread collection.

LissaG said...

How lovely and happy birthday - I turned 50 this year - and its been great!

wobblybobbin said...

You Go-Go girl! Happy birthday :)

Christine said...

Happy birthday! It's awesome you give other people presents for your birthday! Hope it's great!

Candy Mak said...

Happy birthday Kim!

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Happy Birthday--hope it's wonderful!!

Sonya said...

What a fun giveaway! Thanks so much, and Happy Birthday!!

Susan Ikin said...

Happy Birthday. Hope you have many more to come.

Candied Fabrics said...

Happy Birthday! Hope your day was filled with good food and great friends!

teachpany said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day, and will have a fabulous year! You have excellent taste in thread! I do love the box you designed. I think you need to get an authorized mix of colors and weights.

Emily C said...

Happy Birthday! and many more!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday. Don't fear 49 or the fifties. We women seem to get better and better

sherry said...

ah birthdays one never knows what expect on those days

Cecilia said...

Happy Birthday, Kim! This would make a great birthday present for me since my birthday is on the 28th. I will be 56 and life is great in your 50s. 😊

Wandering Worleys said...

Happy birthday and thanks for celebrating wiyh us!

Carol said...

Happy Birthday! I have you beat by a year!!!

Jessica said...

Happy birthday!! Have a wonderful day! :)

Skeins and Greens said...

Happy Birthday - I love love love aurifil thread - just as much I enjoy seeing creations that everyone shares.

Crafty Coffin said...

Happy happy birthday! How kind of you to celebrate by sharing a giveaway with the community.

Wandering Worleys said...

Happy birthday and thanks for celebrating wiyh us!

Pamela said...

You sure know how to throw a beautiful party! I love the box that you curated. Have an absolutely awesome birthday! And thanks!

ledamewood said...

Happy Birthday Kim. It only gets better from here. Have no fear.

lolly said...

Happy birthday to you :)

Jett said...

Hope you had a wonderful birthday!!!

Jett said...

Hope you had a wonderful birthday!!!

OhioLori said...


Ohio Hugs! :)

Sherry said...

Happy 49th Birthday Kim! It's only get better here on in. 50 is the new 30!!!

Kathy E. said...

Happy Birthday young lady! I've got a few years on you, and can say the 50's aren't so bad. Before I turned 50, I celebrated starting 50 days before and played a game I thought up called "50 Ways to Leave My 40's". Each day, I did some kind of random act of kindness and it was so much fun! I also posted about it each day, so others could enjoy it too!

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