Rosebud is a Sears Kenmore 1040. It is a 3/4 size and is very lightweight. I wanted to have her so I would not be hauling around a HUGE machine. This is only a couple pounds more than a Singer Featherweight ( I have one by the timing is off).
My lovely little girl was born in Japan :o)
I am amazed at how clean she is through and through. I found a reliable ebay shop that I bought her from. amazing 593 went above and beyond with packaging her up for shipping! I was extremely impressed with how everything was handled. Every ebay seller should take a class from this one! Top notch!
Even her case is about the most adorable thing I have ever seen! With the roses, it reminded me of my friend Roseann Meehan Kermes who owns Rosebud's Cottage. Roseanne is a wonderful person and a mentor to many. It felt right to name this machine for her. My own little Rosebud :o)
There is also a hidden storage under the flap
and all of these accessories came included!
For a full review and EVERYTHING you could ever want to know about this beauty ( and after reading the review you will want one) please visit Stitch Nerd!
Very cute :o)
I have one of these, too! Love the carrying case! On mine, the end flips up to extend out a little. I bought mine at a garage sale and need to take her in for a "tune up." I can't seem to get the stitch length adjusted or drop the feed dogs. If you need a manual for her, you can find one on line for free. Not sure where I found it, though.
Sandy A
she looks a very welcome addition to your home, I love my featherweight I bought a couple of months ago but still find it a bit heavy for taking on the bus to a quilt group.
Love her and love her name! Sounds like you two have already bonded. :)
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