SEWjo Saturday with Incentive Aurifil and an linking up from Instagram! ( winner announced) | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Saturday, July 19, 2014

SEWjo Saturday with Incentive Aurifil and an linking up from Instagram! ( winner announced)

It has been too long...much too long and I apologize!

SEWjo Saturday is back!  I hope everyone is having a productive summer and some good times with family and friends!

This week I was able to sew a new ironing board cover that was desperately needed.  I had to give up my all time favorite, now out of print, Alexander Henry Paloma Birds cover ( CRYING ) but replaced it with this fun cathedral windows Patty Young fabric I found at Joann's a few months ago.  One of those, "I love it and had better buy yardage now" purchases.  So happy I did since I cannot imagine an unhappy looking ironing board. And I cleaned up my space some too!  It was so needed!

The before and after shots. It was time for sure!

The other thing I worked on was The Sisterhood of the Traveling Quilt.  This one had me paralyzed! I have never done a traveling quilt and when I sew improv for others I kinda freak out.  It is hard to know what someone else likes and dislikes. My goal for this was beauty.  The decision was made to make it modern and colorful!

I hope she loves it!

The incentive this week will be an Aurifil Sample set.  This set contains each of the thread weights available and a wooden spool of Aurifloss!  The color of the set I am sending will be a very light gray :o)

Let's get our SEWjo (sewing mojo) going!  This link up will be open the WHOLE WEEKEND to give you LOTS of time in case you need to do silly other stuff like make dinner or driving your kids somewhere and then there is always making sure you have good lighting. The things we all have to go through...sigh ;o)

To participate in the party please... 
1. Share a project from this past  THREE weeks ( I want to get all caught up) or TODAY!!! 
Link it up from your blog, your Flickr photos, and now your Instagram by using your Instagram URL as the link.  Please hashtag #SEWjoSaturday and @gogokim :o)   

2. Share a link back to SEWjo Saturday somewhere in your post. I would be over the moon if you grabbed the button and shared that too ;o)

3. Share some love with some of the other posters!!!!  Visit some of the linked up photos and get inspired by other quilty friends' work. And please leave some sunshine in their comments! Let's support each other!  

All of you had SUPER productive weeks while I was away!!! Great job!

The winner this week is...

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Vera said...

Your space looks great. Lots of natural light!

Conni said...

great new ironing board cover, I should make a new one, but haven't found fabric I love enough to use. I am trying to llink up but for some reason it is not letting me?!?!

Alli said...

Your new ironing board does look really happy! It's so cute! :)

Unknown said...

I don't have the Mojo to learn Instagram or Flickr...I'm afraid of all of them but I do love your site and your awesome creativity!

Dorian said...

Your sewing room is looking great Kim! I am going to be moving into my new sewing room this week :) I can not wait! Thanks for getting back to Sewjo, I've missed it.

Renee said...

What a sweet sewing room! Looks so bright and welcoming. Love the new cover! I used some old hand me down fabric on mine...not so charming, but better than the old one and quite functional. What a fun traveling quilt! I've been in a traveling quilt group since February and it's been so fun! We had to re-do two of the quilts because one of our members went MIA with the originals. I can't wait to see your quilt!

Katy Cameron said...

Love the travelling quilt addition!

Carol said...

I love that textured cotton you have in your traveling quilt. My last two quilts have had it and I love the added texture.

memmens said...

A new ironing board cover is so satisfying and a tidy sewing space even more so! I think the travelling quilt would scare the pants off me too!

SewMisadventurous said...
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SewMisadventurous said...

I tried to grab the button again and got it wrong, ah one day. My misadventures since we last met have all had to do with embroidery, I'm learning a lot of new things since I began sewing again in March, one of them is use the right tools for the job lol.

andri. said...

I think I'm linking mine up wrongly:( can you tell me how to delete the button? Hahaha for now I'll link it up in instagram:)

Ella said...

Tried to link up here from instagram. Didn't work. Tagged you on IG. @EllaThrowawench

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thetravelshots said...

Amazing feed loved the article I was searching for the type of high-quality content…

swathi said...

Very innovative and colourful.

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